Jumat, 27 November 2009

sadd ..

I'm sick, if you know that??

I hurt if you know that??

I cried did you know that??

you never know it ..
I cried because you ..
I was injured because of you ..
you never realize all that ..
how my feelings to you,, you never know the sacrifice to you ..

true friends ..

True friends ..
friends,, do not usually entertain his friends but why not my friend .. ??
I was confused just by leaving a minute he hates and angry at me .. what was that called friends .. ?? I think not .. True friends are usually willing to forgive his friend, but why my friend did not?? I do not understand what she was thinking

they think I do not care about them .. ?? I am very concerned but they do not often leave their own, if they have a heart .. ?? only with close friends they angry lin .. ?? I think they just think 'junk' I do not understand with you .. what you want ..

I do not like you now you think I changed when you are changing ..
is changed, whether this is a true friend .. ?? I think not ..
I hope you like it, so I'm no longer disappointed.